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Washington Hospital
2000 Mowry Avenue
Fremont,CA,94538-1746,United States

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inquiry to this organization

Last Updated: 09.24.06
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Countries/States Served: CA
People Utilized or Employed: Trainable Volunteers
Types of Students Allowed:
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Mission Statement: (See Web Site For Updated Information)
Information Sessions are held monthly at the hospital. All potential volunteers are required to attend the information session to find out about current volunteer opportunities and requirements for volunteering. Applications are provided at the information session.

Health ? Proof of immunization to rubeola, rubeola and varicella and an annual tuberculin skin test. Members who have any limitations are required to get a doctor?s statement of release noting any restrictions.

Background Screening is required for adult volunteers. We will provide you a form to fill out.

Age ? Prospective volunteers must be at least 15 ? years of age and have sophomore standing. Learn about the Student Volunteer Program.

Orientations ? All potential volunteers are required to attend an all-day orientation in order to learn about the hospitals mandatory safety program.

Uniforms ? Volunteers must wear the Washington Hospital Service League volunteer uniform and nametag while on duty.

Time ? Volunteers are asked to volunteer a minimum of twice a month. Varieties of shifts are available.

High School Student Volunteer Program
Volunteer Requirements:

Must be at least 15 ? years of age and have sophomore standing

Must have a ?B? average

Need to contact your high school counselor for a counselor recommendation with an unofficial copy of your high school transcript

Student volunteers usually start volunteering during their sophomore year and continue through graduation. Volunteers are required to staff a service a minimum of twice a month.
Students are encouraged to volunteer a minimum of 100 hours.
Trips and Activities
No trips found for Washington Hospital.